Just Checking In…
So hey, are you okay? How have you really been? When was the last time you did something good for yourself - took a walk, bought yourself something nice, got lost doing something YOU enjoy?
Listen, this pandemic (from here on I will call it any other “p” words I think of) has been… ghetto, to say the least, and we’ve all just been trying to make it. Some people have had some great successes during this time be it starting school or a business, learned a trade or language, and there were others who have not been faring so well. Some of us have lost loved ones without being able to properly say goodbye, some have lost jobs, possessions, or just their wills to be productive. For some, days are melting together, and you feel like you need a break or brief escape from realities of life.
So I ask again - How are you really? When was the last time you did something for yourself? Have you taken care of yourself today?
If you’re still not ready to answer that question, I’ll answer, because this is a safe space and we’re friends now. This Pangea has been something for your girl. Where as I did have some ups, I’ve also had some down downs. Depression has been just rearing its ugly head at the most ugly times. Your girl has been exhausted. Sometimes just trying to find the energy to get things done is much. God has been good to me because I’ve been able to work, safely see friends & family, etc., but I’ve also had some less than great moments, and lost my therapist in the midst. However, I have been more able to recognize when I’m not feeling my best self to give myself a break. I have a good husband to talk to when I’m feeling my worst. I still have my people that I can hang out with for a bit and that helps to restore a sense of normal.
I say all of this to say - be gentle with yourself. “Normal” is no more, so give yourself the space to adjust to a new “normal.” Remember that you’re just as important as anyone or anything else. You have to stop periodically to rest, recharge, refocus, etc., and it’s perfectly okay to do so. We are not built to continuously deal with stress or to constantly work. Do something to make YOU happy today. You deserve the same love and grace that you show others. If you need to cry, sing, dance, scream it out, go for it. If you need to break some stuff, book you a spot at a destruction room.
Drink water, take your supplements, breathe, stretch, shake… (yall know the rest :) )
Love ya!